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Avril Lavigne - Take İt

Aşağa gitmek

Avril Lavigne - Take İt Empty Avril Lavigne - Take İt

Mesaj tarafından eda* Ptsi Tem. 13, 2009 9:58 am

Just take it, take it
Cant take it, take it

I know what you do, flash me
The way it's done, impolitely
Just trying to find some alone time
No room to compromise

Just take it, take it
Can't take it, take it

So sell your picture to a magazine
Invasions aren't true photography
Is that what you always wanted to be?
Well I'd be worried for you
Sometimes, gotta try
Run and hide, get away from this
I'll get by, in this life, this time

Take your best shot, impress me
Write a fictional story, for your feed
Try to get the world, to believe
Shocking headline surprise

Just take it, take it
Can't take it, take it

So sell your picture to a magazine
Invasions aren't true photography
Is that what you always wanted to be?
Well I'd be sorry for you
Sometimes, gotta try
Run and hide, get away from this
I'll get by, in this life, this time

You see me, I see you
You're over there
You see me, I see you

So sell your picture to a magazine
Invasions aren't true photography
Is that what you always wanted to be?
Well I'd be sorry for you
Sometimes, gotta try
Run and hide, get away from shit

Sometimes, gotta try,
Run and hide, get away from this

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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