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Avril Lavigne - Stayin' Strong

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Avril Lavigne - Stayin' Strong Empty Avril Lavigne - Stayin' Strong

Mesaj tarafından eda* Ptsi Tem. 13, 2009 9:58 am

Dont worry boy I'm doing fine at least right now
Why won't you tell me why you always got to play hard-to-get
You've always been the kinda boy I never liked
Until one day I looked into your eyes,
And saw the boy,I never loved until this day,
You tell me,

And I need you and you told me that
Some things won't last forever,
But we both know we need each,
So boy,I'm staying strong,
Now...you can tell me that thing that,
You said we weren't that ready for,
Come on,girl,were only in the fifth grade,
Just tell me please,just this time,
Cuz we're both staying strong

You keep a secret from me something only boys should know,
If you really loved me,you could tell me anything
So I still love you,if you're wondering,
Cuz that wouldn't be me,to say something like that,
Cuz thats not me,

Look boy,I'm staying strong,
So whats all of your worry about?
You're just too scared for me,
There's nothing.....about me..to get upset about,
Its so not you,so get out

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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