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Avril Lavigne - I Wanna Be A Supermodel

Aşağa gitmek

Avril Lavigne - I Wanna Be A Supermodel Empty Avril Lavigne - I Wanna Be A Supermodel

Mesaj tarafından eda* Ptsi Tem. 13, 2009 10:09 am

I don't care, what my teacher say
I'm gonna be a supermodel
And everyone, is gonna dress like me
Wait and see
When I'm a supermodel

And my hair, will shine like the sea
And everyone, will wanna look, just like me

Cause I'm young,and I'm hip, and so beautiful
I'm gonna be a supermodel
I'm young,and I'm hip, so beautiful
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I wish that I, was like Tori Spelling
With a car like her's, and a dad like her's
And I, will show them how, how it was done
And that'd be fun; that'd be fun
And I'd, write my school report
On, why I love my jeans,
Why I love my jeans
And oh!, on my locker door
It's the coolest thing, that you've ever seen

Cause I'm young,and I'm hip, so beautiful
I'm gonna be a supermodel
I'm young,and I'm hip, so beautiful
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I didn't, eat yesterday
And I'm not going eat today
And I'm not going eat tomorrow
Cause I'm gonna be a supermodel

So beautiful (beautiful)
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I'm young,and I'm hip, so beautiful (beautiful)
I'm gonna be a supermodel
I'm young,and I'm hip, so beautiful (beautiful)
I'm gonna be a supermodel
I'm young,and I'm hip, so beautiful (beautiful), (beautiful)
I'm gonna be a supermodel

Cause I'm young,and I'm hip, so beautiful (beautiful)
I'm gonna be a supermodel, (I'm gonna be a supermodel)
I'm gonna be a supermodel, (I'm gonna be a supermodel)
I'm gonna be a supermodel

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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