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Stronger-Demi Lovato

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Stronger-Demi Lovato Empty Stronger-Demi Lovato

Mesaj tarafından ~~Beşiktaş JK~~ C.tesi Tem. 11, 2009 4:06 pm

The night is getting darker
Soon the stars will be falling down to rescue us,
Sing a song for me,
Lift me higher with your words,
Sing that cold melody
Now follow me
Onto the moonlit sidewalk
And take my hand
Grip it tighter, don't let it go

Passions taking over skies
Leaving sand behind for them to choke on
They'll try to speak
Negatively about us,
But they cant say another word
They'll realize,
Jealousy, has taken over their minds
Trying to break us down
But what they don't know
Is it only makes us stronger.

Did you feel that breeze?
A tide of chills swept over me
It must of been from the brush of your hand
Pull me into your arms
A little closer baby
I wanna see you standing
Next to me

So take a walk with me,
But keep the pace down
I don't want this night to end
Can't we runaway together?

Passions taking over skies
Leaving sand behind for them to choke on
They'll try to speak
Negitively about us,
But they can't say another word
They'll realize,
Jealousy has taken over their minds
Tying to break us down
But what they don't know
Is it only makes us stronger.
Passions taking over skies
Leaving sand behing in the wind for them to choke on
They'll try to speak
Negitively about us
But they can't say another word
~~Beşiktaş JK~~
~~Beşiktaş JK~~

Mesaj Sayısı : 98
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 30
Nerden : Çarşı'dan xD


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