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Ashley Tisdale - “Delete You”

Aşağa gitmek

Ashley Tisdale - “Delete You” Empty Ashley Tisdale - “Delete You”

Mesaj tarafından eda* C.tesi Tem. 11, 2009 4:18 pm

It’s not time to give us one more try
(I don’t think so)
Last night you said your one last lie
I can’t let you wreck my plans
I’m planning to let you go
Oh, only one thing is true
Only one thing to do - time to delete you

Burnin’ up all your pictures
Tearin’ up all your letters
Rippin’ up all your sweaters
This is, this for the better
Slashin’ up all your tires
Smashin’ up all your flowers
Grabbin’ back all my power
Press the button that says, “I don’t need you”
Delete you, oh, wo, oh

It’s not time to say how much you care
(I don’t think so)
I don’t want you
I want you not there
I’m done, I think that the time’s come
To bring this thing to an end
I think this could be goodbye
Think you’ve run outta time
Time to delete you

Burnin’ up all your pictures
Tearin’ up all your letters
Rippin’ up all your sweaters
This is, this for the better
Slashin’ up all your tires
Smashin’ up all your flowers
Grabbin’ back all my power
Press the button that says, “I don’t need you”
Delete you

All I want from you is for you to disappear
All I need from you is for you to not be here
I guess it’s time you got the news
Gonna replace you
Erase you, delete you

Oh, oh delete you
Whoa oh oh, oh delete you

Burnin’ up all your pictures
Tearin’ up all your letters
Rippin’ up all your sweaters
This is, this for the better
Slashin’ up all your tires
Smashin’ up all your flowers
Grabbin’ back all my power
Press the button that says, “I don’t need you”
Delete you

Oh, oh delete you
Whoa oh oh, oh delete you

Time to delete you
Whoa oh, delete you

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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