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Ashley Tisdale - “Erase and Rewind”

Aşağa gitmek

Ashley Tisdale - “Erase and Rewind” Empty Ashley Tisdale - “Erase and Rewind”

Mesaj tarafından eda* C.tesi Tem. 11, 2009 4:20 pm

I don’t wanna feel like this
I don’t want to, I don’t want to
I don’t wanna freak you out, but I

I think I might have said too much
Didn’t mean to, didn’t mean to
Think I might have said it’s you and I

Guess I should leave this behind
Guess I should erase and rewind
But somehow I can’t seem to stay away
I don’t wanna sound desperate
But I am, so say that
You’ll come around
Guess I should erase and rewind
Erase and rewind

I don’t wanna stand in line
Like I used to, like I used to
I don’t wanna have to scream and shout

’Cause I’m the kind of girl that sticks
Like a tattoo, like a tattoo
Yeah, I’m the kind of girl that wears you out

Guess I should leave this behind
Guess I should erase and rewind
But somehow I can’t seem to stay away
I don’t wanna sound desperate
But I am, so say that
You’ll come around
Guess I should erase and rewind
Erase and rewind

You never do return my calls
Just like we’ve never met at all
No matter what I’ll always wait for you
I’ll wait for you, I’ll wait for you

I don’t wanna feel like this
I don’t want to . . .

Yeah eh eh eh eh

Guess I should leave this behind
Guess I should erase and rewind
But somehow I can’t seem to stay away
I don’t wanna sound desperate
But I am, so say that
You’ll come around
Guess I should erase and rewind
Erase, erase and rewind

Guess I should leave this behind
Guess I should erase and rewind
But somehow I can’t seem to stay away
I don’t wanna sound desperate
But I am, so say that
You’ll come around
Guess I should erase and rewind
Erase and rewind

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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