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Ashley Tisdale - “Overrated”

Aşağa gitmek

Ashley Tisdale - “Overrated” Empty Ashley Tisdale - “Overrated”

Mesaj tarafından eda* C.tesi Tem. 11, 2009 4:23 pm

Yeah eh eh eh, oh

I pass my reflection . . .
It’s someone else
I see your invention
And not myself

I turned into your perfect girl
A total stranger . . .
Now I see, and I don’t want to

Being you when it’s all just an act
It’s overrated!
The truth is I’m wanting me back
’Cause I can’t take this
I’ve gotta be who I am underneath
Who I gave up, so you’d believe
Being you when it’s all just an act
It’s overrated!
So overrated!

I let you control me
Or so you thought
Don’t think that you’re perfect
Just all messed up
I hid away the best of me
Too scared to notice
Now I do, and I’m not going to . . .

Being you when it’s all just an act
It’s overrated!
The truth is I’m wanting me back
’Cause I can’t take this
I’ve gotta be who I am underneath
Who I gave up, so you’d believe
Being you when it’s all just an act

It’s overrated!
(Changing for a guy . . .)
(Living in a lie . . .)
It’s overrated!
(Always asking why . . .)
So overrated!

Oh whoa oh

The mirror, is shattered . . .
I’m finally free!

Being you when it’s all just an act
It’s overrated!
The truth is I’m wanting me back
’Cause I can’t take this
I’ve gotta be who I am underneath
Who I gave up, so you’d believe
Being you when it’s all just an act
It’s overrated!

Overrated, yeah
Overrated, yeah
So overrated, yeah

Oh oh, yeah

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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