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Ashley Tisdale - “Acting Out”

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Ashley Tisdale - “Acting Out” Empty Ashley Tisdale - “Acting Out”

Mesaj tarafından eda* C.tesi Tem. 11, 2009 4:24 pm

Up above the surface I was just a perfect child
But underneath it all I was craving to be wild
Don’t you judge by the cover it’s so far from what you see
I’m losin’ all my patience waiting on you to believe

I’m suffocating, I can’t breathe

Let me out this cage, I’m not gonna hold back
Gonna break these chains I’m taking control now
Gonna give you something to talk about
It’s another side of me, I’m acting out
Set me free I’m ready to show you this is what I need
It’s time to get dirty, Imma show you what I’m talking about
It’s another side of me I’m acting out

Welcome to a new beginning, it’s time to start the show
No I don’t think it matters if it’s real or just a role
Once you get a taste of it you’ll be begging me for more
I’ll give ya something to remember once I hit the floor

I’m letting go of what you know

Let me out this cage, I’m not gonna hold back
Gonna break these chains I’m taking control now
Gonna give you something to talk about
It’s another side of me, I’m acting out
Set me free I’m ready to show you this is what I need
It’s time to get dirty, Imma show you what I’m talking about
It’s another side of me I’m acting out

I’ve been waiting just to drive you crazy
Now it’s my time and yes it feels amazing
There’s nothing left of what you’ve seen before
Life’s too short just to do what you’re told

Just to do what you’re told, Just to do what you’re told
Do what you’re told
Just to do what you’re told
Do what… do what you’re told

Let me out this cage, I’m not gonna hold back
Gonna break these chains I’m taking control now
Gonna give you something to talk about
It’s another side of me, I’m acting out
Set me free I’m ready to show you this is what I need
It’s time to get dirty, Imma show you what I’m talking about
It’s another side of me I’m acting out

Life’s too short just to do what you’re told
I’m acting out
Life’s too short just to do what you’re told
I’m acting out
Life’s too short just to do what you’re told
I’m acting out

Yeah yeah, I’m acting out

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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