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Avril Lavigne - Touch The Sky

Aşağa gitmek

Avril Lavigne - Touch The Sky Empty Avril Lavigne - Touch The Sky

Mesaj tarafından eda* Ptsi Tem. 13, 2009 9:52 am

I used to carry this big old world
On my shoulders and back
I used to lie inside my room
Wondering where I'm at

I felt a chill running through my veins
And wondered, would I be saved?
I felt the ice building in my soul
Would it melt away?

He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me

I used to worry my life away
Counting every dime
Shutting out the ones I loved
Never finding the time

And then one day I was overcome
By loneliness and dispair
And deep inside I thought I heard
"Lean on me, I'm here"

He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me
I pulled the burden from off my back
And tossed it into the wind
And stretched my arms toward the sky
And let my life begin

And like a tree, I have measured up
Best when I've been cut down
And like a tree, I can touch the sky
With my feet on the ground

He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me

He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me, yeah
Shining down on me
Shining down, shining down
Shining down on me

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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