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Avril Lavigne - Contagious

Aşağa gitmek

Avril Lavigne - Contagious Empty Avril Lavigne - Contagious

Mesaj tarafından eda* Ptsi Tem. 13, 2009 10:16 am

When you're around I don't know what to do
I do not think that I can wait
To go over and to talk to you
I do not know what I should say

And I walk out in silence
That's when i start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me cry

It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high

All the time

They all say that you're no good for me
But I'm too close to turn around
I'll show them they don't know anything
I think I've got you figured out

So I walk out in silence
That's when i start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me smile


I'll give you everything
I'll treat you right
If you just give me a chance
I can prove I'm right

[Chorus X2]

All the time

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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