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Jonas Brothers - Move On

Aşağa gitmek

Jonas Brothers - Move On Empty Jonas Brothers - Move On

Mesaj tarafından eda* Ptsi Tem. 13, 2009 10:35 am

Wouldn't it be nice if I had some tissues
Wipe away the tears that's right you got issues
While you keep asking questions well I don't care
And how many times will it take you to figure out
How much I hate you I'm right, you're wrong, move on

Cause you love me
And I hate you
I'm right
You're wrong
Move on

Wouldn't it be nice if you stopped whining
And telling all your friends that I've been lying
You can trust me when I tell you we're through (we're through)
And how many times will it take you
Do the math me minus you
I'm right, you're wrong move on

Cause you love me
And I hate you
I'm right
You're wrong
Move on

How many feelings will you harbor
Get over it your friends are so much hotter (oh yeah)
I'm right, you're wrong, move on
I'm right, you're wrong, move on

Cause you love me
And I hate you
I'm right
You're wrong
Move on

Cause you love me
And I hate you
I'm right
You're wrong
Move on

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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