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Jonas Brothers-Don't Tell Anyone

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Jonas Brothers-Don't Tell Anyone Empty Jonas Brothers-Don't Tell Anyone

Mesaj tarafından eda* Ptsi Tem. 13, 2009 10:38 am

I wrote this lyric for you, all by myself
What makes you think I need you, or anybody else?
But when you see me walking, just staring at my feet,
Cause I'm not all about you, I'm already complete.

I hope this doesn't make you cry,
But I don't wanna make you mine,
I told you for the millionth time,
That I don't need you in my life.

But you can see through me (yeah)
And how you get to me,
You know I'm just a fraud,
I'm just afraid I feel the same,
But don't tell anyone
Don't tell anyone

I wake up thinking of you, and that weirds me out.
I try not to call you, but I can't do without.
Hearing your voice tell me, that I am on your mind,
It wouldn't work to rush this, I'll come around in time.

I hope that you can understand,
But now I don't know where I stand,
I'd rather hide begind these walls,
Pretending I don't care at all

But you can see through me (yeah)
And how you get to me,
You know I'm just a fraud,
I'm just afraid I feel the same,
But don't tell anyone
Don't tell anyone

Life keeps going on,
The world keeps spinning round
Can't we stop going in circles?
Am I afraid of what they'll say?
What you confuse to see-- you and me

But you can see through me (yeah)
And how you get to me,
You know I'm just a fraud,
I'm just afraid I feel the same,
But don't tell anyone
Don't tell anyone

But you can see through me
And how you get to me,
You know I'm just a fraud,
I'm just afraid I feel the same,
But don't tell anyone
Don't tell anyone

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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