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Jonas Brothers - 2 Stars

Aşağa gitmek

Jonas Brothers - 2 Stars Empty Jonas Brothers - 2 Stars

Mesaj tarafından eda* Ptsi Tem. 13, 2009 10:45 am

This Christmas time there's just one thing I want.
It top's it all, it's better than eggnog.
It's cold outside, my boots are full of snow.
I'm just hoping for some mistle toe


You can take these presents, underneath my tree,
You can take this awesome scarf my grandma made for me,
You can take these boxes, tied up with string
'Cause all I want for Christmas is the girl of my dreams.



Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho!!!


Light's are goin' up it's Christmas time,
But I just want that girl to be mine,
My stocking's full but I'm not satisfied,
No, No, No, Noooo,
But I'll just wait until she's by my side,


You can take these presents, underneath my tree,
You can take this awesome scarf my grandma made for me,
You can take these boxes, tied up with string
'Cause all I want for Christmas is the girl of my dreams.

Falalalala, lalalala

Faaaa la la laaa

You can take these presents, underneath my tree,
You can take this awesome scarf my grandma made for me,
I would give it all, just to let you see,
That all I want for Christmas is the girl of my dreams

Mesaj Sayısı : 558
Kayıt tarihi : 10/07/09
Yaş : 29
Nerden : --


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